A Balanced Approach to Wellness!

too many things

I recently read a book about organizing. Its main principle is to get rid of things that do not bring joy. Here’s a poem from Unfolding that describes the problem of having too many things:

Too many things, 45 gadgets, 37 candles,
16 appliances, 38 souvenirs, 30 pictures,
29 display items, 28 shirts, 24 pairs of shoes,
20 gifts, 82 plastic bags, 10 advertisements,
18 once-loved items, 13 jackets, much much more.

Too many things
cause too much possessiveness
which causes
too much fear
too much of whatever ails.

Too many things
require too much storage
which causes
too much forgotten
too much wastefulness.

Too many things

di         str    a  ct   .

Too many things
waste time.

Too many things
feed too much dissatisfaction.

Unfolding is available on amazon.com at http://amzn.com/1508828229

Comments on: "Too Many Things—A Poem" (1)

  1. Anne Greenbaum said:

    Absolutely true!

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