A Balanced Approach to Wellness!

Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category

A poem about the passage of time

Here’s a poem about time from
Connection—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry.
This book of poetry is available at: http://amzn.com/1511788259

Poem-changing clock


A Poem for Love

my poem for love
neither rhymes nor idolizes,
for my love is filled with
jagged edges and hasty judgments.
sometimes the judgments were on the mark
and sometimes they led to heartache.
the early love was sweet and pure,
but also clingy and desperate.
trial and error led to gathered friendships and
effort wasted on fruitless encounters.
advancing years brought wiser decisions
and a deeper connection that was able to blossom.
love for children built ecstasy and depth,
but also fear and worry,
the constant companions.

my poem for love
neither fantasizes nor gushes,
for my love is filled with
realistic moments and dashed expectations.
sometimes the expectations were unrealistic,
yes, most times they were, that is true.
when the expectations were put to the side
and fantasy left for the writers,
the moments of deep connection
have been sweet and fulfilling.

my poem for love
brings music and rhythm,
for my love is filled with moments of
unplanned dancing and laughter.
sometimes the laughter is simply a release
and sometimes it is heartfelt and pure.
these are the moments that rush by
and yet,
they are the ones to remember.

my poem for love
continues its journey.
it neither rhymes nor gushes
rather, it follows
its meandering and flowing way.

my poem for love is real.

From my upcoming book, Love Leads the Way.

A chance to see the world anew because of quarantine living

David statue-trees

Staying at home provides an opportunity to discover the world nearby. Here’s a poem that reminds us of the beauty located close to home.

Loveliness for the Eyes

The statue of David.
Standing in its grandeur,
So tall and arresting,
Its beauty is breathtaking.
To see it
Requires entrance fee
to the museum,
Plus a visit to Florence.

The tree across the street.
Standing in its grandeur,
So tall and arresting,
Its beauty is breathtaking.
To see it
Requires opening
one’s eyes
To the masterpiece at home.

Unfolding book cover

This poem is from the book of poetry Unfolding: A Collection of Wisdom Poetry, which is available through amazon.com.


Dreaded fears, a poem

No Sleep

Lurking in shadows
Lie worry and suspicion.
Double versions of
Dreaded fear.

Behind each ache.
Behind each pain.
Suspicion of illness,
Worry of death.

Dreaded fear and
Over-fretting focus.
Upstaging health,
Unsupporting well-being.

Focus on terrible
Is focus askew.
Waiting for disaster
Is waiting awry.

Constant worry
Is wasted effort.
Overshadowing suspicion
Is wasted time.

Lurking in shadows
Lie worry and suspicion.
Double versions of
Dreaded fear.

This poem is from the book Growth, which can be purchased through this link: http://a.co/fpl41JV.


A poem about our guardian angels

Spiritual connection

Someone to Watch Over Me

Perhaps there are angels that
watch over me.
Perhaps there are twinkly-beings that
light my way.
Perhaps there are helpers that
guide my daily strivings and focus my efforts.

There are, there are, there are.

Someone to watch over me
when despair strikes
when sadness wearies
when the way is unclear
when joy is felt and calling to be shared
when excitement is felt and calling to be shown.

Someone to light my way
when the path is blurred
and the signs are missing.

Someone to guide my daily strivings
so I find my stride
and perform my best
and achieve my goals.

Someone to focus my efforts
so I see the steps
and move with ease
and grow in wisdom.

Perhaps there are angels that watch over me
and twinkly-beings
and helpers too.

Yes! There are!

There are, there are, there are.

This poem is from Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry, which is available on amazon.com: http://amzn.com/1508828229

Unfolding book cover

Autumn has arrived!

Autumn leavesAutumn has arrived, and brings with it energy to create! This time of year is wonderful for starting projects and achieving goals.

Here’s a poem about Autumn from
Connection—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry.
This book of poetry is available at: http://amzn.com/1511788259

Poem-Autumn Energy

The person that I am truly meant to be


Oh if life were so easy
I would be the person I was meant to be
I would take on challenges and handle them with ease
I would be open and funny and clever
I would look fabulous and sing on key
I would not be cranky or defensive
And I would not get upset over silly things.

But life isn’t easy
So I let myself off the hook
And often don’t try
And blame others
And wallow in misery
And even give up

Perhaps there is a place where
I can find respite from my too-difficult me
Where my mind shuts up
And my gut finally stills
Where I let myself accept
And I let myself free
The person that I am truly meant to be.

Post 7-bracelet

Too many people let themselves sink too low. Rather than rejoice in their living, they choose their misery. Sometimes the cause is nutritional, sometimes the cause is hormonal, and sometimes the cause is just habit. When the reason is laziness or lack of appreciation, the way out is through communal service. When the reason is nutritional or hormonal, the way out is through intervention by a nutritionist, naturopath, doctor, or other healing specialist.

There are other causes as well for the spiral downwards, and often spiritual connection can aid the situation. Energy Guidance Complete is spiritual healing focused on balance and elevated living. Making changes in one’s focus can lead to changes in one’s self-centeredness. Finding guidance that is larger than oneself can loosen self-absorption.  Accepting that the difficulties are just difficulties that can be handled releases self-indulgence.

Making changes is not difficult when we truly want to change. Yes, we can make changes when we truly want to change. The first step is to want to bring change. The next step is to truly want to change. Then the search can begin for how to change so that we can live the life that fits who we are.

Another book of wisdom poetry published


After I finished writing the third book of wisdom poetry, there were still more poems to bring to light.

The fourth book, Growth, is a collection of poems about growing through natural processes, struggles, spiritual connection, and societal movement.

Growth can be purchased through this link: http://a.co/fpl41JV.

Here are two poems from the book:

Poem-Pushing the Difficulty

Poem-Dreaded Fear

Letting go of things that hold me back, a poem


When I received this poem two years ago, I saw it as a universal poem with meaning for everyone, and partially for me. I received the words, agreed with their message, published the book, and forgot the poem. Recently I’ve been rereading Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry, and this poem jumps out at me as the one that has the most relevance to me at this time.


I’m about to publish a book about aging well, and one of the most important goals is to be focused on the aspects of living that bring satisfaction and growth. But to do this requires letting go of the things that hold hostage.

I am held hostage by my expectations of others and of myself, by old memories that criticize, by wasted time spent on unimportant pursuits, by holding myself back from flying with Energy Guidance, and by procrastinating. The simple message “Do it!” tells me to not only let go, but to move ahead and do the things that will bring me growth and satisfaction.

I’m going to photocopy this poem and paste it on my wall 🙂

Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry can be purchased through amazon.com stores: http://amzn.com/1508828229

Unfolding book cover

“Fulfilling Spring” — a poem

wild flowers

Blossoming, captivating flowers
Fill the air with vision
Of fragrant beauty
To be had.

Lovely, coolish Spring days
Fill the nights with hopes
Of love and companionship
To be held.

Constant, melodic bird song
Fill the lungs with desire
Of expansive breaths
To be taken.

Spring in all its blossoming,
Fragrant, and melodic.
Magic, filling the
Life with freshness.

From the book of poetry Connection, available at http://amzn.com/1511788259:Cover-Connection Poetry

Fathers and Sons, a poem

Father and sons

The relationship between a father and his son is fluid. So many factors affect their interactions. Here is a poem I received about this fluid and important relationship. “Fathers and Sons” is published in the book of poetry, Unfolding.

poem-fathers and sons

Unfolding book cover

Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry can be purchased through amazon.com stores: http://amzn.com/1508828229

Seeing Weeds Anew


The winter rains are watering the weeds, and they are growing and growing. Each year at this time, I sigh and think about all the weeding I will be doing in February and March and even April. The weeds have always discouraged people, including me.

In my latest soon-to-be-published book of poetry, Growth, I received a poem about the weeds. Since reading this poem, I have started to approach weeds differently. This year, I’m still going to weed the wild grass and the prickly growth, but I’m going to leave the ones that are actually pretty. I now see weeds with new eyes.

Here is the poem that will appear in Growth:

Weed Life


Perfection Infection


Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry presents spiritually inspired poetry. One of the poems, “Perfection Infection”, laments the hurtfulness in trying to be perfect.

When I finished the book, I reviewed it carefully and so did my editor. As far as I know, there is only one typo in the book and it’s in this poem. I think that is fitting.

Read the poem for its message and then see if you find the mistake.

Perfection Infection

Unfolding book cover

Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry can be purchased through amazon.com stores: http://amzn.com/1508828229

A Poem for the New Year



Picturing ourselves as individual cycles in the billions of cycles that are people is one way for us all to feel part of the same flow of life.

Here is a poem from Connection that shares this idea:

Poem-Beginning Middle End

Connection—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry can be purchased through amazon stores: http://amzn.com/1511788259

Cover-Connection Poetry

A poem for the winter

Winter from the window

Winter is a time for restoration and reflection. Here is a poem about the winter from the book of poetry, Connection:

Poem-Winter Revival

Connection is available through the amazon stores: Cover-Connection Poetry http://amzn.com/1511788259

Friendships through the years


I recently returned from a reunion for my husband’s youth group class. Many years have passed since these people were together, but the years fell away and the friendships were rekindled. The reunion reminds me of the following poem from the book Unfolding—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry:

Where Friendship Blooms

We walked in the park
My friends and I
We talked of past joys
And we talked of old fears.

We walked in the park
Slower than before
Youthful expectation fulfilled
Again, close connections rekindled.

Laughter and sadness and
Triumphs and defeats.
Together at times, but
Separate most often.

Youth offers opportunities
To acquire friends and more friends.
Time and experiences
Test the strength of the ties.

Ties that bind and support
Through the years fray or thicken.
The ties that continue
Give comfort, health, and joy.

We walked in the park
My friends and I.

Global Caring


A poem for our times:

Generous opening to peoples afar,
Requests for notice and hopes for aid,
Caring for others outside one’s reach,
The global family cries.

Crises afar are often for leaders.
The citizen feels unable to respond.
Cries for help and cries for surrender,
The global family waits.

Regular people hurting and cowering,
Pestilence, weather, famine, or sword,
Global residents watch with worry,
The global family mum.

Can we care for peoples afar?
Can we answer their requests for relief?
Can we help and can we offer?
The global family asks.

Close-to-me worries and close-to-me upheavals,
These are the subjects that most people treat.
The worries and troubles of peoples afar
Are too far away and too heavy to carry.

The cries and the anguish of others so far
Need far-away notice and far-away care.
Those who are able to give their support
Have strength to move beyond close-to-me thought.

Can we care for peoples afar?
Can we answer their requests for relief?
We can and we ought when our abilities allow.
The global family tries.

“Global Caring” is from the book of poetry, Connection:  Cover-Connection Poetry

Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, third view

Poem- I

Here is the third of three poems from the book Connection—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry in the section “Connection to Myself”:

!! I !!

Me, myself, and I.

The same and yet different.


Thinking of others
Helping out
Caring for the environment
Noticing the lives of animals
Sharing feelings

Living life with creativity and acceptance
Loving life for its surprises
Marveling at life’s challenges
Cherishing life’s gifts and special moments
Accepting life cycles
Seeing life with self-loving eyes

I belong!
I love!
I can!
I grow!
I create!
I thank!
I care!
I see!

The “I” considers all.

Me, myself, and I.

The same and yet different.


Also see “Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, first view” and “Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, second view”.

Connection can be purchased through amazon.com:

Cover-Connection Poetry

Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, second view

Poem-Me Myself I-2

Here is the second of three poems from the book Connection—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry in the section “Connection to Myself”:



Also see “Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, first view” and “Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, third view”.

Connection can be purchased through amazon.com:

Cover-Connection Poetry

Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, three views

Poem-Me Myself I

Here is the first of three poems from the book Connection—A Collection of Wisdom Poetry in the section “Connection to Myself”:


Me, myself, and I.

The same and yet different.

Me is the part that is
usually unsure and needing assurance.

The part that wants
to be noticed but missed.

The part that cautiously advances
yet jumps at the opportunity
to experience change.

The part that sees the needs of others
and holds back.

The part that sees the needs of me
and holds back.

The part that craves love
and then becomes afraid
when love is received.

The part that understands
the desire for friendship
although friendships are not
always pursued.

The part that recognizes
personal blocks and
self-imposed limitations,
sometimes caving in and
sometimes not.

Me is wary and
hopeful and

Me can be too wary and
too gullible and
too exacting.

Navigating life through
Me thinking can be
safe but restricting.

Creating relationships through
Me thinking can be
supportive but restricting.

Living life through
Me thinking can be
satisfying but restricting.

Me thinking
is part of
balanced living.

Me, myself, and I.

The same and yet different.


Also see “Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, second view” and “Me, Myself, & I: Three poems, third view”.

Connection can be purchased through amazon.com:

Cover-Connection Poetry